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Исполнитель: Tyr
Перевод песни
Песня: Lord of Lies
Shakes the ground in agony the Lord of Lies
Once for every drop of venom in his eyes,
Anger festers in his heart and loud he cries:
"My revenge will be the end and you will

See me rise,
Out of fact and friction,
Raise your hands".

Truth of prophecies is always sin your hands
When you heed her words and do as she commands,
Seals your fate and your memorial it stands,
All the world ablaze I'll set and you will

See me rise,
Out of fact and friction,
Raise your hands for my lore
And legend of these lands.

Bound upon the ground until the day
The sun will go away,
Three winters snow falls in a row,
Your bonds will break from me.

Skelvur jørðin øll
Og rapa bjørg og fjøll,
Brýtur hav um lond
Og slitena so øll bond.

So you stand before the breaking of the world,
Gather all your strength in vain for you will

See me rise,
Out of fact and friction,
Raise your hands for my lore
And legend of these lands.

End, it has begun, now I am free,
Your ending sails with me,
My serpent son stirs up the sea,
The Ship of Nails breaks free.
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Повелитель лжи

Повелитель лжи сотрясает землю в агонии,
По одному разу за каждую каплю яда в его глазах,
Злоба гниет в его сердце, и он громко кричит:
"Моя месть станет вашим концом, и вы увидите,

Как я вознесусь
Над реальностью и противоречиями,
Приносите жертвы,..... [открыть перевод]

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