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Исполнитель: T.V. Smith
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Песня: Coming in to Land
The edge of a revolution
That's exactly where we stand
And though we could seize the moment
We aspire to wear the brand
And we take our place in a profane state
With the common herd, the beautiful and damned
I've had enough of this grey sky thinking
I'm coming in to land
I'm coming in to land

Crippled by indecision
The chance slips from our hands
I put in a call for guidance
But the frequency was jammed
Feel like I lost my way in a bad screenplay
The jokes are old and the laughter's only canned
I've been circling round for too long now
I'm coming in to land
I'm coming in to land

So we head for annihilation
And the route's already planned
It's a lesson in subjugation
But the malls are always crammed
I drift up here in this atmosphere
So thin that I can barely even stand
I'll be leaving this lazy orbit soon
I'm coming in to land
I'm coming in to land

Clear the runway
I'm coming in to land
I'm coming in to land
I'm coming in to land
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Иду на посадку*

Стоим сейчас у порога
Революции, и вот
Могли б ухватить возможность,
Но как нужно нам клеймо!
Остаёмся мы в путах суеты
В прекрасном, только проклятом гурте, 1
Довольно серых, как небо, мыслей,
Спускаюсь я к земле..... [открыть перевод]

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