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Исполнитель: T.V. Smith
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Песня: Complaint Department
This circular came through my door
It was square
So I complained

I followed the sign marked “nowhere”
But never got there
I complained

My red rose tattoo turned blue
I didn't know what to do
Who to blame
So I called up you and I complained

And I know that dreams come true
Later, later
And the sun comes shining through
Later, later
But when the big parade
Turned the other way
I complained

I couldn't get fit
I didn't fit
And I felt like shit
So I complained

My rose tinted lenses became overlaid
With visions of horror and pain
I complained

My burning questions fizzled out
Like cigarettes in the rain
I didn't know what to do
Who to blame
So I called up you and I complained

And I know that dreams come true
Later, later
And the sun come shining through?
Later, later
But when the bailiffs came
On my holiday
I complained

Later, later [x2]

I compromised and complied
But relations stayed strained
I complained

I watched the whole thing
But after sixty minutes
The mystery remained unexplained
I complained

I rang the emergency services
But they didn't know what to do, who to blame
And they didn't rate my case as an emergency anyway
So I put the phone down and I called up you
And I complained

And I know that dreams come true
Later, later
And the sun comes shining through
Later, later
But when I returned to find
An empty space where my
Bicycle had been chained
I complained [x2]

And I know that dreams come true
Later, later
And the sun comes shining through
Later, later
But there are still dark days
When I lose my way
Slow down, sit around
And complain
Перевод песни:
Отдел жалоб

Мне в дверь сунули карту округа,
Он оказался квадратным,
И я пожаловался

Я поехал по знаку "в никуда",
Но не добрался туда,
Я пожаловался
..... [открыть перевод]

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