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Исполнитель: T.V. Smith
Перевод песни
Песня: The Dawning of False Hopes
Someone show me a sign
That I'm on the right road
Haven't spent half my life in darkness
The rest with one eye closed
Give me some light
So I can see what I write
Distract the boss
I'll climb down off this cross
Through the gardens I'll stroll
Far away from my foes
But you know how it goes
You lean in to the rose
Slammed into by cannonball
Smashed up against the wall
Could have been so wonderful
Goodness knows
The dawning of false hopes

False hopes
False hopes
False hopes

Yes you know how it goes
It ebbs and it flows
But the odds on your survival
Are more than you dare hope
I could not find my use
In this sea of abuse
Where a lifeline's a noose
Then the truth cut me loose
And I swam for the shore
With the wind at my back
And the tide on my side
There was no shark attack
And the crowd cheered me on
As I crawled up the beach
Then I got to my knees
And I started my speech...
Slammed into by cannonball
Smashed up against the wall
Could have been so wonderful
Goodness knows
The dawning of false hopes

The dawning of false hopes

Could have been so wonderful
But then the sun rose
On the dawning of false hopes
False hopes
False hopes
False hopes
The dawning of false hopes
False hopes
False hopes
False hopes
The dawning of false hopes
False hopes
False hopes
False hopes
Перевод песни:
Рассвет пустых надежд

Верно выбран ли путь,
Дайте кто-нибудь знак,
Что не прожил впотьмах полжизни,
А после в один глаз,
Света прошу,
Чтобы я знал, что пишу,
Босс, отвернись,
Чтоб с креста я сполз вниз,..... [открыть перевод]

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