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Исполнитель: Talk Talk
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Песня: My Foolish Friend
Lay your hands into my head
I've been rude
I don't care what you do

So much heart is not enough
I've seen few
Who treat me like you do

My foolish friend
Don't try to live my life
Upon this weary line
My foolish friend
Don't tell me if I'm right

Teenage tears the saving grace
Of this fool
But no one's watching you

Save this mirror for your face
There are two
No matter what you choose

My foolish friend
Don't try to live my life
Upon this weary line
My foolish friend
Don't tell me if I'm right

When I can really rebel
Yes I'm really saddened

My foolish friend
Don't try to live my life
Upon this weary line
My foolish friend
Don't try to live my life
Перевод песни:
Мой глупый друг

Положи свои руки мне на голову,
Я был грубым,
Мне было все равно, что ты делаешь.

Дарить так много сердца недостаточно,
Я видел многих,
Кто обращался со мной как ты.
..... [открыть перевод]

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