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Исполнитель: Turin Brakes
Перевод песни
Песня: Eveready
Believe me
I never
Meant to loose the plot
There she goes
With blood on her fingertips
And the flesh
But you hold
This is my memory
And my ever rest
While a sense out of me
Pushing out of my chest
Wake me up
Start again

There I go
With blood on my fever lips
And a hole in my soul
Believe me
I never
Meant to taste the drop
This is my memory
And my ever rest
While a sense out of me
Pushing out of my chest
Wake me up
Start again

Nothing underneath,
If there's nothing underneath,
When there's nothing underneath my friend
Like a kid in a car view the world from afar
Cos you can always pick it up, tear it out
And start again
This is my memory
And my ever rest
While a sense out of me
Pushing down on my chest
Wake me up
Start again
Перевод песни:
Всегда готов

Поверь мне,
Я никогда
Не хотел терять над собой контроль.
Снова она за свое,
С пальцами в крови
И мясе...... [открыть перевод]

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