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Исполнитель: Turin Brakes
Перевод песни
Песня: Full of Stars
I'm gonna get me a bone today
Under the big blue sky
Under the tree where my last love laid
Now where beneath the leaves she lies

I'm goin' to dig a deep hole
And crack open this bone
See where all the wonder went
See where now it's all gone

Look at the light
It's full of stars
What's really happening?
Something wonderful

It's not as bad as I was told
To lose all that was loved
It's the demons who drag you down
But the angels pull you up

Don't let the colors bring you down
They'll get much brighter one day
You know all things will come around
If you leave them in their sway

I'm goin' to save it all in these photographs
Keep something here for me
When I'm dead and gone, I'll laugh last
At what's left here to see

Look at the light
It's full of stars
What's really happening?
Something wonderful

It's not as bad as I was told
To lose all that was loved
It's the demons who drag you down
But the angels pull you up

Look at the light
It's full of stars
What's really happening?
Something wonderful

It's not as bad as I was told
To lose all that was loved
It's the demons who drag you down
But the angels pull you up
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Я должен похоронить останки сегодня,
Под этим необъятным синим небом,
Под деревом, где моя последняя любовь любила отдыхать.
Сейчас она лежит здесь, покрытая листвой.

Я должен выкопать глубокую могилу
И перезахоронить эти кости.
Видишь, куда исчезло все чудо?..... [открыть перевод]

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