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Исполнитель: Turin Brakes
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Песня: Nine to Five
Two lights just blinking
One north and the other one south
You can see them from the stratosphere
They're there I swear they are

In the city someone's dad just died
In another one someone looks up to find
A smiling cloud looking down
As if it was alive

In the nine to five
In the children's eyes
Where the aeroplanes fly
I feel magic, yeah

Well if I turned off this TV
And took a walk in the rain
What could the city streets teach me
Not just fill me up with fear again

I know I'm just indulging
I don't deserve to feel this strange
So tonight I'm going to feel alright with myself again

In the nine to five
In the children's eyes
Where the aeroplanes fly
I feel magic, yeah
Перевод песни:
С 9 до 5

Два огонька просто мигают:
Один на севере, другой на юге.
Их можно увидеть из стратосферы,
Они там, я клянусь вам.

В одном городе только что умер чей-то отец,
В другом кто-то смотрит вверх и видит,
Как улыбающееся облако глядит вниз,..... [открыть перевод]

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