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Исполнитель: Turin Brakes
Перевод песни
Песня: Rocket Song
A happy day
Has come our way
We're on a roll
And alcohol
Saying that
Save yourself
I'll be bad
For your health
Still you're alive
And I'm alive
Let's put our past
To one side
And start again
A brand new friend
Before this old skyscraper crumbles down

This love is a rocket
Bound for the stars
This love is a firework
Stuck between the bars

I'll be back
Count on that
After one
Last victory lap
I turn to run
But then I fall
Ego trips on alcohol
You're a bruise
Upon the brain
I lay my cards
Down on the grain
Slowly bursting into flame
Then you leave me smoking in the rain

Love is a rocket
Bound for the stars
This love is a firework
Stuck between the bars

This love is a rocket
Bound for the stars
This love is a firework
Between the bars
This love could just smolder
Or shower in sparks
This love's growing older
Still, here we are
Перевод песни:
Песня ракеты

Случился и на нашей улице.
Мы в ударе
И пьяны.
А это значит –
Я подпорчу
Тебе здоровье...... [открыть перевод]

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