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Исполнитель: Turin Brakes
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Песня: Something in My Eye
From the chaos of the game,
Life spat you out
You don't need a name,
I remember you somehow
Those tiny little hands,
Hold up my world
I put you in my plans,
My black hole little girl

There's no doubt about us,
Time is running out around us
I can't cry,
It's just something in my eye.

From the deepness of the sea,
To the shallows of the city
I travel down the phone line,
Bodiless and free,
Those tiny little hands,
Those tiny little plans,
Are turning into towers,
Crushed against the sun.

There's no doubt about us,
Time is running out around us
I can't cry,
It's just something in my eye.

Something passed right through me,
Someone came and threw me,
No one ever knew me,
People shadows to me.

There's no doubt about us,
Time is running out around us
I can't cry,
It's just something in my eye.
Перевод песни:
Что-то в глаз попало

Из бессмыслицы игр
Жизнь сама тебя выплюнула.
Тебе даже не надо представляться,
Я итак тебя помню.
Эти крошечные руки
Способны держать весь мой мир.
И я внес тебя в свои планы,
Моя малышка из ниоткуда...... [открыть перевод]

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