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Исполнитель: Turin Brakes
Перевод песни
Песня: Stalker
I'm in the dark
I'm in the hurricane
I'm in the rain
All over your parade

I act like a friend
I feel like a brand new start
But I will break in
And then I will break your heart

Every single thing you say
I'll record, I'll replay
I'm a shadow just behind
I am with you all of the time
I am with you all of the time

I am a shark
I am a razorblade
And I will destroy
All of the friends you made

So please let me in
'Cause I wanna be your friend
I will cling on
To you until the end

Every single thing you say
I'll record, I'll replay
I'm a shadow just behind
I am with you all of the time

You may think that you are free
But you're not, 'cause you're with me
I'm a shadow in that line
I am with you all of the time
I am with you all of the time
I am with you all of the time

Every single thing you say
I'll record, I'll replay
I'm a shadow just behind
I am with you all of the time
You may think that you are free
But you're not, 'cause you're with me
I'm a shadow in that line
I am with you all of the time
Перевод песни:

Я в темноте,
Я посреди урагана,
Я под дождем,
Выше твоей показухи.

Я веду себя как друг,
Я кажусь новым началом.
И я сломаю барьеры,..... [открыть перевод]

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