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Исполнитель: Turin Brakes
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Песня: They Can‘t Buy the Sunshine
All in all, it's been blast
Fame and fortune never last
So we'll take refuge in the sand
They burned our churches to the ground

But they can't buy the sunshine
They can't buy the sunshine
They can't buy the sun
But they can't stop the sun
Shine on, the sun, the sun, the sun

We may have sold our very souls
But the ghosts inside the radio
They warned us once and they told us twice
This life's never very nice

But they can't buy the sunshine
They can't buy the sunshine
They can't buy the sun
But they can't stop the sun
Shine on, the sun, the sun, the sun

The credit card skyline rises high
Crushing the sky, it multiplies
They're buying up souls to fill their holes
But we know the one thing they don't know

But they can't buy the sunshine
They can't buy the sunshine
They can't buy the sun
But they can't stop the sunshine
They can't buy the sunshine
They can't buy the sun
But they can't stop the sun
Shine on, the sun, the sun, the sun...
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Им не купить свет солнца

В конце концов, все кончено:
Слава и удача не могут длиться вечно.
Так что, мы сбежим на песчаный берег –
Они уже спалили наши церкви дотла.

Но им не купить свет солнца,
Им не купить свет солнца,
Им не купить солнце,..... [открыть перевод]

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