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Исполнитель: U2
Перевод песни
Песня: Down All the Days
My eyes are black
They've seen the glory
My ears are shut
They've heard the storm
My legs are weak
From so much stumbling

Down all the days
Down all the days

My lips are dry,
They've tasted water.
My spirit high,
I hardly touch the ground.
My heart is heavy,
It hears the distant firing.

Down all the days
Down all the days
Down all the days
Down all the days
Down all the days
Days, days
Down all the days
Days, days

I love to talk
Days, days
Can you leave me some of it to hug
Days, days
Can you hold me now
Days, days
I love her hug
Days, days
Days, days

The skyline's in the cloud
Throw down some winds now
Right now I'm only here to see me
Come down whenever you want to see me
Right on a phone, the holy rose
Someone in the street's on fire
And I am weary, worthy
Wounded, all wrong
I love thee, to hold thee
I love thee
Перевод песни:
Всё время подавлен

У меня в глазах темно -
Они повидали славу.
Мои уши закрыты -
Они слышали грозу.
Мои ноги слабы -
Я слишком много спотыкался.

Всё время подавлен,..... [открыть перевод]

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