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Исполнитель: U2
Перевод песни
Песня: Elevation
High, higher than the sun
You shoot me from a gun
I need you to elevate me here
At the corner of your lips
At the orbit of your hips
Eclipse, you elevate my soul

I've lost all self control
Been living like a mole
Now going down, excavation
I and I in the sky
You make me feel like I can fly
So high, elevation

A star lit up like a cigar
Strung out like a guitar
Maybe you could educate my mind
Explain all these controls
I can't sing but I've got soul
The goal is elevation

A mole, living in a hole
Digging up my soul
Going down, excavation
I and I in the sky
You make me feel like I can fly
So high, elevation

Love, lift me out of these blues
Won't you tell me something true
I believe in you

A mole,living in a hole
Digging up my soul
Now going down, excavation
I and I in the sky
You make me feel like I can fly
So high, elevation
Перевод песни:

Высоко, выше солнца.
Ты застрелила меня из пистолета.
Мне надо, чтобы ты подняла меня сюда.
Уголками своих губ,
Орбитами своих бёдер
Во время затмения я испытываю душевный подъём...

Я потерял самоконтроль,..... [открыть перевод]

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