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Исполнитель: U2
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Песня: Every Breaking Wave
Every breaking wave on the shore,
Tells the next one there'll be one more.
Every gambler knows that to lose,
It's what you're really there for.
Summer I was fearless.
Now I speak into an answer phone.
Like every falling leaf on the breeze,
Winter wouldn't leave it alone, alone.

If you go
If you go your way and I go mine?
Are we so?
Are we so helpless against the tide?
Baby every dog on the street
Knows that we're in love with defeat.
Are we ready to be swept off our feet
And stop chasing
Every breaking wave.

Every sailor knows that the sea
Is a friend made enemy.
Every shipwrecked soul,
Knows what it is to live without intimacy.
I thought I heard the captain's voice.
It's hard to listen while you preach.
Like every broken wave on the shore,
This is as far as I could reach

If you go
If you go your way and I go mine
Are we so?
Are we so helpless against the tide?
Baby every dog on the street
Knows that we're in love with defeat.
Are we ready to be swept off our feet
And stop chasing
Every breaking wave.

The sea knows where are the rocks
And drowning is no sin.
You know where my heart is,
The same place that yours has been.
We know that we fear to win
And so we end before we begin.
Before we begin.

If you go?
If you go your way and I go mine?
Are we so?
Are we so helpless against the tide?
Baby every dog on the street
Knows that we're in love with defeat.
Are we ready to be swept off our feet
And stop chasing
Every breaking wave.
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Каждый прилив волны

Каждая волна на берегу
Говорит, что через мгновенье придет еще одна.
Каждый игрок знает, что проигрыш –
Это то, что заставляет нас вернуться назад.
Летом я был бесстрашен, 1
А сейчас я разговариваю с автоответчиком,
Как зима, которая не оставит в покое
Ни один упавший лист...... [открыть перевод]

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