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Исполнитель: U2
Перевод песни
Песня: Everybody Loves a Winner
Once I had fame
I was full of pride
Well, there were a lot of friends
Always by my side

But my luck ran dry
Now my friends begin to hide

Everybody loves a winner
Everybody loves a winner
When you lose, you lose alone

Everywhere I turned
There was a hello and a smile
I never thought they'd be gone
After a while

Oh, that big road ran down
And the smiles turned to frowns

Everybody loves a winner
Everybody loves a winner
But when you lose, you lose alone

Hands to heaven that I would be true
To get back that love
There's nothing I wouldn't do
But I learned and I lost
And now I paid the cost

Everybody loves a winner
Everybody loves a winner
Everybody loves a winner
But when you lose, you lose alone
Перевод песни:
Всем нравятся победители

Когда-то я был известен,
Когда-то я был исполнен гордости.
И, конечно, всегда подле меня
Было много друзей.

Но моя удача иссякла,
И теперь все мои друзья прячутся.
..... [открыть перевод]

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