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Исполнитель: U2
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Песня: Native Son
Yeah, it's on the street, it's under your feet
It's everywhere but if you're looking for free
Don't look at me
My enemy became my country

On the run
Officer put down the gun
Native son
I never wanted to own one
Native son
Both of us want to be someone
It's so hard
Is it so hard for a native son to be free

Tears falling from the sky, falling to the ground
Bullets start to fly
He's hurt, he's in the dirt
On my word
I did not take his life

Don't want to run away
I'm safer in my father's place
I know that I can't stay
But if I stay, I know what's next

On the run
Officer put down the gun
Native son
I never wanted to own one
Native son
Both of us want to be someone
It's so hard
Is it so hard for a native son to be free
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Сын Родины

Да, это на улице, прямо под твоими ногами,
Это повсюду, но если ты ищешь свободы,
Не смотри на меня,
Моя страна стала для меня врагом.

В бегах,
Офицер, опусти оружие..... [открыть перевод]

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