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Исполнитель: Uriah Heep
Перевод песни
Песня: Confession
I'm so sorry for the things I've done
And the times it went a little wrong
Try to understand
That I've made my plans
With my love for you in mind

Sometimes you get the wrong idea
And I can't seem to make it clear
If my heart doesn't show
It's 'cause I don't know
The best way to say I love you

Every living day
You fill my heart
With a breath of spring
And I search the universe
For some joy
That I can bring to you


I'm so sorry for the things I've done
And the times it went a little wrong
Try to understand
That I've made my plans
With my love for you in mind

Sometimes you get the wrong idea
And I can't seem to make it clear
If my heart doesn't show
It's 'cause I don't know
The best way to say I love you

Every living day
You fill my heart
With a breath of spring
And I search the universe
For some joy
That I can bring to you
Перевод песни:

Я сожалею о прошлых ошибках,
И временами бывал я неправ,
Но ты пойми –
Что в мечтаниях зыбких
Я находился, любовь не предав.

В голову мысли какие-то лезут,
Их прояснить я могу не всегда,..... [открыть перевод]

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