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Исполнитель: Uriah Heep
Перевод песни
Песня: The Wizard
He was the wizard of a thousand kings
And I chanced to meet him one night wandering
He told me tales and he drank my wine
Me and my magic man kind of feeling fine

He had a cloak of gold аnd eyes of fire
And as he spoke I felt a deep desire
To free the world of its fear and pain
And help the people to feel free again

Why don't we listen to the... voices in our hearts
'Cause then I know we'd find... we're not so far apart...
Everybody's got to be happy, everyone should sing
For we know the joy of life the peace that love can bring

So spoke the wizard in his mountain home
The vision of his wisdom means we'll never be alone
And I will dream of my magic night
And the million silver stars that guide me with their light.

The Wizard

He was the wizard of a thousand kings
And I chanced to meet him one night wandering
He told me tales and he drank my wine
Me and my magic man kind of feeling fine

He had a cloak of gold
And eyes of fire
And as he spoke I felt a deep desire
To free the world of its fear and pain
And help the people to feel free again

Why don't we listen to the... voices in our hearts
'Cause then I know we'd find... we're not so far apart...

Everybody's got to be happy
Everyone should sing
For we know the joy of life
The peace that love can bring

So spoke the wizard in his mountain home
The vision of his wisdom means we'll never be alone

And I will dream of my magic night
And the million silver stars that guide me with their light.

The Wizard

He was the wizard of a thousand kings
And I chanced to meet him one night wandering
He told me tales and he drank my wine
Me and my magic man kind of feeling fine

He had a cloak of gold
And eyes of fire
And as he spoke I felt a deep desire
To free the world of its fear and pain
And help the people to feel free again

Why don't we listen to the... voices in our hearts
'Cause then I know we'd find... we're not so far apart...

Everybody's got to be happy
Everyone should sing
For we know the joy of life
The peace that love can bring

So spoke the wizard in his mountain home
The vision of his wisdom means we'll never be alone

And I will dream of my magic night
And the million silver stars that guide me with their light.
Перевод песни:

У многих тысяч королей он чародеем слыл,
Случайно встретившись в ночи, меня он поразил.
Рассказывал мне столько притч и пил моё вино.
И было магу, как и мне, безмерно хорошо.

На нём из золота был плащ, горел огонь в глазах,
Словами он меня зажёг, я думал – боль и страх
Должны покинуть этот мир, и я смогу помочь..... [открыть перевод]

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