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Исполнитель: Walls of Jericho
Перевод песни
Песня: Another Day, Another Idiot
I wonder why
Every time I see you
You hold your head up high

So surface,
So obvious,
You're holding nothing inside

You're a waste of time
I've had enough
Why don't I help you out
Cause I'm tired
Of choking down your mouth

Now you don't have to call me out
That's something I'll proudly do on my own
I have a past, I've made mistakes
Love and lost, hurt a few in my time
I've made some promises
With remorse I fell back on my words
I have only had regrets
If there was no lesson to be learned

And I won't forget the disasters I've counted on most
And I won't let this self-destructive bomb explode

These qualities are mine
I have a few unlike you
I work to be a better me
You're self righteous
What could you possibly say

Here's to my enemies
I wouldn't have it any other way
Перевод песни:
Ещё один день, ещё один идиот

Я удивляюсь, почему
Каждый раз, когда я вижу тебя,
Ты такой гордый

Такой поверхностный,
Такой простой,
У тебя нет ничего внутри
..... [открыть перевод]

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