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Исполнитель: Zwan
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Песня: Desire
Northern star
Am I frightened?
Where can I go to rest?
I can't sleep
And I'm still fighting
Wait, don't breathe

The time destroys a man
A child who understands
That anyone who desires
Is not my kind
Not my truth

Fade away, it's all we do
Fade away from the truth
Fade away
Fade away

And northern star
Please enlighten
The lost prayers of my soul
Childhood dreams
Of death and titans
We were meant to be free

To give ourselves away
So please don't be afraid
Of anyone who desires
They're not my kind
Not my truth

Fade away, it's all we do
Fade away from the truth
Fade away
Fade away
Fade away

'Cause anyone who desires
Is not my kind
I have no use for you
Перевод песни:

Северная звезда,
Я испуган?
Где я найду покой?
Я не могу уснуть.
Но я все еще борюсь,
Жду, затаив дыхание.

Время разрушает людей,..... [открыть перевод]

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