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Исполнитель: ZZ Top
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Песня: Bad to the Bone*
Now on the day I was born
The nurses all got around
And they gazed the wild wonder
At the joy they had found

The head nurse spoke up
Said, "Leave this one alone"
She could tell right away
That I was bad to the bone

Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Ba ba ba ba ba ba bad
Ba ba ba ba ba ba bad
Bad to the bone

I broke a thousand hearts
Before I met you
I'll break a thousand more, baby
Before I am through

I wanna be yours pretty baby
Yours and yours alone
I'm here to tell ya honey
That I'm bad to the bone

Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Ba ba ba ba ba ba bad
Ba ba ba ba ba ba bad
Bad to the bone

I'll make a rich woman beg
And I'll make a good woman steal
I'll make an old woman lust
And I'll make a young girl squeal

I wanna be yours pretty baby
Yours and yours alone
I'm here to tell ya honey
That I'm bad to the bone

Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Ba ba ba ba ba ba bad
Ba ba ba ba ba ba bad
Bad to the bone

Now when I walk the streets
Kings and queens step aside
Every woman I meet haha
They all stay satisfied

I wanna tell you pretty baby
What I see I make my own
And I'm here to tell ya honey
That I'm bad to the bone

Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Ba ba ba ba ba ba bad
Ba ba ba ba ba ba bad
Bad to the bone

* - кавер на композицию Bad to the Bone в оригинальном исполнении группы George Thorogood & The Destroyers
Перевод песни:
Плохой до мозга костей

В тот день, когда был я рожден,
Я медсестрами был окружен,
И глазели они в удивлении
На радость моему появлению.

Старшая громко велела:
"Сейчас ему нужен покой"
Она сразу заметить сумела –..... [открыть перевод]

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