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Исполнитель: Mystic Prophecy
Перевод песни
Песня: The Crucifix
Evil, evil in my dreams...

Mirror mirror on the wall
Under the touch of evil god
I'm falling into sadness
My soul will bleed in blackness
Evil evil in my dreams
Lacerating faces I hear scream
The devil in me is calling
Blackend souls in fire burning.

And all the angels singing
And will sacrifice
Over the bridges burning
The blood moon will arise.

Mirror mirror on the wall
All the preachers kneel and pray to god
From beyond the beast is calling
Six, Six, Six... Crucifix.
Screaming angels skies are burning
All the preachers kneel and pray to god
Sacrifices the world keeps turning
Six, Six, Six... Crucifix.

Preacher teacher devil's son
Te touch of sin in flames now you will burn
Ashes of eternity
Shadows of my past are killing me.

And all the angels singing
And will sacrifice
Over the bridges burning
The blood moon will arise.

Mirror mirror on the wall
All the preachers kneel and pray to god
From beyond the beast is calling
Six, Six, Six... Crucifix.
Screaming angels skies are burning
All the preachers kneel and pray to god
Sacrifices the world keeps turning
Six, Six, Six... Crucifix.
Перевод песни:

Зло, зло в моих снах...

Зеркало, зеркало на стене,
К которому прикоснулся злой бог.
Я впадаю в печаль,
Моя душа истечет кровью в темноте.
Зло, зло в моих снах.
Я слышу крик измученных лиц,..... [открыть перевод]

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