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Исполнитель: Axwell ? Ingrosso
Перевод песни
Песня: On My Way
No time to pretend,
Dust off and try again.
Straight out of lions' den,
Strong as a thousand men,
That's what I've been told
Since I was six years old,
Duck down and count to ten.

I'm gonna hit the lotto,
I'm gonna place my bet on every step I take,
Go tell everyone under the sun,
I'm on my way!

And if I hit rock bottom,
I'm gonna smile and dance with every step I take.
Go tell everyone under the sun,
I'm on my way,
On my way!

Go throw the key away,
No matter what they say.
All for a better day
You will always be the same,
That's what I've been told
Since I was six years old,
Duck down and count to ten.

I'm gonna hit the lotto,
I'm gonna place my bet on every step I take,
Go tell everyone under the sun,
I'm on my way!

And if I hit rock bottom,
I'm gonna smile and dance with every step I take.
Go tell everyone under the sun,
I'm on my way,
On my way!
Перевод песни:

Нет времени притворяться,
Отряхнись и попробуй снова.
Прямиком из клетки со львами,
Силён как тысяча мужчин —
Вот, что мне твердили
С тех пор, как мне исполнилось шесть,
Пригнись и сосчитай до десяти.
..... [открыть перевод]

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