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Исполнитель: Hurts
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Песня: Boyfriend
I don't have much money to spend,
But I can be your tenant if your body's for rent.
I see you're dancing with some fool,
I know you want me too.

But I won't teach your boyfriend
All the moves he needs to make,
If you want my girlfriend,
I could show you face to face.

I don't have much reason to care
About the rich is in his pocket and all the suit that he wears,
So why do you think you can waste my time?
‘Cause I won't stand in line.

But I won't teach your boyfriend
All the moves he needs to make,
If you want my girlfriend,
I could show you face to face.

I can see you looking at me,
‘Cause he doesn't make you tremble, make you weak at the knees,
But I won't tell him what to do,
I know you want me too.

But I won't teach your boyfriend
All the moves he needs to make,
If you want my girlfriend,
I could show you face to face.

I won't teach your boyfriend
All the moves he needs to make,
If you want my girlfriend,
I could show you face to face.
Перевод песни:

У меня не так уж и много денег,
Но, если ты сдаёшь своё тело, я могу его снять.
Я вижу, как ты танцуешь с каким-то болваном,
Я знаю, что ты и сама хочешь меня.

Но я не стану учить твоего ухажёра
Всему, что ему нужно делать,
Если хочешь мою девушку,..... [открыть перевод]

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