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Исполнитель: Tyler Joseph
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Песня: Where Did We Go
Making sweet music

We are people blind
Once again
We think we have them lights
We pretend we live such perfect lives
But we know we don't have love divine yeah

We'll try to fly
Without the wings of mine
We'll die fragile lives again

We won't proceed in this life
If we don't see what we need
Won't succeed please tell me
Where did we go
Where did we go

It is so hard
To live this far
What did we do to you

We'll try to fly
Without the wings of mine
We'll die fragile lives again

We won't proceed in this life
If we don't see what we need
Won't succeed please tell me
Where did we go
Where did we go

We'll try again some day
'Cause we love you
We won't forget that day
When love was true

We'll try again some day
'Cause we love you
We won't forget that day
When love was true

Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

We won't proceed in this life
If we don't see what we need
Won't succeed please tell me
Where did we go

[Tyler speaking]
Why why there is a phone on the background
You where flat man flat man that was not flat
I thought you said this was going to be a good song
Where did we go
Someone get that
I thought you said this was going to be a good song c'mon seriously
He did say that
Перевод песни:
Куда мы зашли?

Сочиняем красивую музыку...

Мы - слепые люди...
Еще раз!
Мы думаем, что в нашей душе есть свет.
Мы притворяемся, что у нас в жизни всё безупречно,
Но ведь мы знаем, что нам не дана Божья любовь, да...... [открыть перевод]

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