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Исполнитель: Charles Aznavour
Перевод песни
Песня: A Blue Like the Blue of Your Eyes*
A blue like the blue of your eyes
When they're full of surprise
Isn't found in the skies

A wheat field in clear autumn air
Couldn't hope to compare
With the gold of your hair

A softening wind in July
Would be foolish to try
To compare with your sigh

The strength of a storm on the sea
Couldn't possibly be
Like the strength of my love

A blue like the blue of your eyes
Isn't found in the skies
Or a glow up above

If one day you decide to go your merry way
My life would become filled with dismay
Filled with dismay

A sky full of rain couldn't say
It was nearly as grey
As the grey of the day

The darkest of nights wouldn't dare to claim
It could compare
With my aching despair

You laugh at me when I'm like this
Then you softly dismiss
All my tears with a kiss

My fool of a heart then takes flight
Almost mad with delight
Like a skylark above

The blue that I see in the skies
Can't compare with your eyes
When their shining with love

* – Англоязычная версия композиции Plus Bleu Que Tes Yeux в оригинальном исполнении Charles Aznavour
Перевод песни:
Такая голубизна, как голубизна твоих глаз

Такой голубизны, как голубизна твоих глаз,
Когда они полны сюрпризов,
Не найдёшь в небесах.

Пшеничное поле на свежем осеннем воздухе
Может даже не надеяться сравниться
С золотом твоих волос.
..... [открыть перевод]

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