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Исполнитель: Earth And Everything In It, The
Перевод песни
Песня: Majesties
I went to your door
To make a home
Instead you wrestled
You wrestled with me

When you look at me
Do you not see
Your very father?
Your father is me

Let me hear you say
That I have killed
My father's
Only son
You assume that he
That he is me
Well stop searching - the thief
Has always lived here

We shall wait for the day
When truth and love are one
Then we'll become

How many times
Have I given you
Everything you've asked for?
And how many times
Have I got
Just anything at all?

And how many times
Have I given you
Everything you've asked for?
And how many times
Have I got
Just anything at all?
Перевод песни:

Я подошел к твоей двери,
Чтобы обрести дом.
Но вместо - ты начал бороться,
Бороться со мной.

Когда ты смотришь на меня,
Не видишь ли ты
Своего отца?..... [открыть перевод]

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