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Исполнитель: Symphonity
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Песня: Choice
Always been an underdog
'cause nobody believed in you

Only sadness filled your heart
You felt you were wasting your life, felt left out

You've got the choice
Your inner voice
Just do whatever you need to.
Don't have no fear
Future is clear
You have that strength
And the will to go on

So you're running far from home
'cause there's nothing left there for you

Now the light shines through the clouds
And you have no single doubt, not anymore

You've got the choice
Your inner voice
Just do whatever you need to.
Don't have no fear
Future is clear
You have that strength
And the will to go on


You've got the choice
Your inner voice
Just do whatever you need to.
Don't have no fear
Future is clear
You have that strength
And the will to go on
To go on
Перевод песни:

Ты всегда был аутсайдером,
Ведь никто не верил в тебя.

Одна лишь печаль была в твоем сердце,
Ты чувствовал, что тратишь жизнь впустую, ты чувствовал себя на обочине жизни.

У тебя есть выбор -..... [открыть перевод]

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