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Исполнитель: Tyr
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Песня: Hall of Freedom
Brother it breaks my heart
How this could be your part?
Chains of a tyranny
Left you in poverty, famine and despair.

Ill are the tidings too
Freedom comes not for you.
Though I would rather stay
War is the only way, evil and unfair.

Forward, we all have the right to be free.
Freedom, raise your sword for everyone to see.
Fearless, warriors will fight till they fall.
Fallen, thousands have been written on the wall.
Forward, we all have the right to be free.
Freedom, raise your sword for everyone to see.
Fearless, warriors will fight till they fall.
Farewell, after all we gather in the hall.

Hall of freedom
Hall of freedom

Brother your burden weighs
Only to darker days.
If we can not supply
All we have done will die hungry and alone.

Shelter and food indeed
Freedom is what you need!
Much as I hate to say
War is the only way freedom's seed is sown.

Forward, we all have the right to be free
Freedom, raise your sword for everyone to see
Fearless, warriors will fight till they fall
Fallen, thousands have been written on the wall
Forward, we all have the right to be free
Freedom, raise your sword for everyone to see
Fearless, warriors will fight till they fall
Farewell, after all we gather in the hall

Hall of freedom
Hall of freedom
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Чертог Свободы

Брат, это разбивает мое сердце,
Как это может быть вашей долей?
Цепи тирании
Оставили вас в нищете, голоде и отчаянии.

Дурные известия,
Свобода приходит не за вами.
Хотя я предпочел бы остаться,..... [открыть перевод]

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