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Исполнитель: Earth And Everything In It, The
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Песня: Dead Sea
Went to the Dead Sea
And the Sea of Galilee
When there at the foot of the Jordan
Something occurred to me

The Dead does not have life
While the other flows abundantly
What Galilean keeps on giving
The dead hold selfishly

For when
You are given חַי(life)
But do not give
That life shall cease

The fool keeps on searching
For what that wise already have
The pages keep on turning
Where are the words I lack?

For the winds
Just keep on blowing
Even if you catch them
Can you bring them back?

I know you think you need to know
That you have to find out
That there is no room for doubt
But one day we'll all see

Once you've tasted God‎
Once you've drank his blood
Once you've had enough
There's no need
Перевод песни:
Мертвое Море

Я пришел к Мертвому морю
И морю Галилея.
И здесь,у самого Иордана,
Со мной что-то произошло.

У мертвых нет жизни.
А у некоторых она в избытке.
И пока море Галилея продолжает отдавать,..... [открыть перевод]

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