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Исполнитель: DEVILDRIVER
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Песня: Pure Sincerity
Dying is easy, it's living that's hard.
It's so disturbing to hear what you're fearing,
Reign of terror, out in the cold.

Give 'em what they want,
Give 'em what they need.

Pure sincerity, pure sincerity –
It's what made me, born from insanity.
Pure sincerity! (Pure!)

Questions asked, the answers come quickly,
Remorse can be so dangerous.
Wolf in the fold – terror within, out in the cold.

Give 'em what they want,
Give 'em what they need.

Pure sincerity, pure sincerity –
It's what made me, born from insanity.
Pure sincerity!

The things I am – The things that I've become,
These wings of honor – Son of Father.
Don't know if I can stand where I once fucking stood,
If I could, if I could... Don't you think I fucking would?

Things to come, It must be from the heart,
Things to come.
Are these the shadows of things from the past?
Are these the shadows of things to come?
Things to come, to come!
Things to come!

Where do we go?
Where do we go?

Pure sincerity, pure sincerity –
It's what made me, born from insanity.
Pure sincerity!
Перевод песни:
Чистая искренность

Смерть – это просто. Жизнь – вот, что тяжело.
Так волнительно слышать, чего ты боишься:
Поддаться страху, одиночества.

Дай им то, чего они хотят,
Дам им то, что им нужно.

[Припев:]..... [открыть перевод]

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