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Исполнитель: Kyuss
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Песня: Demon Cleaner
I've got the demons in me
I've got to brush them all away
I feel the demons rage
I must clean them all away


Inside you see more of me
Cobwebs in the way
That magic, cleaner will
Shine his smile on me


I am the demon cleaner
Who saves the day
I get the back one
Important, they'll always stay


If only one thing that you know
Impostors from the show
They'll try to trick you into
Normal treatment
Oh, don't you listen to them say
Shush them all away
I am the Demon Cleaner
The madman
I am the freedom bleeder
Standing naked here to say
I'm the only way
I'm the only way
I'm the only way
I'm the only way
Перевод песни:
Изгоняющий демонов

Во мне есть демоны,
Я должен изгнать каждого из них.
Я чувствую их ярость,
Я должен избавиться от каждого из них.

..... [открыть перевод]

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