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Исполнитель: DEVILDRIVER
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Песня: Teach Me to Whisper
Trouble is on its way, it's on its way...

Another day, another decision,
One that eventually effects us both.
Teach me to whisper 'cause I feel like screaming,
Teach me to whisper loud!

Anger and hatred are their oars,
Revenge – their vessel.
Be strong, be patient,
Making the best of a bad situation,
Making the best of.
Making the best of a bad situation,
Making the best of.

This is your conscience speaking: Spare your spirit,
Trouble is on its way, it's on its way.
Teach me to whisper 'cause I feel like screaming,
Teach me to whisper loud!

Anger and hatred are their oars,
Revenge – their vessel.
Be strong, be patient,
Making the best of a bad situation,
Making the best of.
Making the best of a bad situation,
Making the best of.

Behold the destroyer,
By the hand of man, death be delivered.
Behold the destroyer,
By the hand of man, death be delivered.

Anger and hatred are their oars,
Revenge – their vessel.
Be strong, be patient,
Making the best of a bad situation,
Making the best of.
Making the best of a bad situation,
Making the best of.
Перевод песни:
Научи меня говорить шёпотом

Беда в пути, она в пути...

Очередной день, очередное решение,
Которое в конечном счёте повлияет на нас обоих.
Научи меня говорить шёпотом, потому что мне хочется кричать,
Научи меня говорить шёпотом громко!

[Припев:]..... [открыть перевод]

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