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Исполнитель: Dark Tranquillity
Перевод песни
Песня: Rundown
Cowardice! This chain of events.
Gather and plot the ensnaring of me.

Gone now the sense of lust.
Is there a cost for the reckless excess?
Taken in the growth and trust –
Retaliatory strike at the weakest spot.

Raked away the remains of my fall
That laid scattered cross plains of regret.
Humble in defense of the wicked
Run down, naked and blind.

Merciless, the onslaught of demands,
Get in line for the numbing.
I won't make a stand!

Redeemer of the slavery,
Reconcile with the carefree and content.
Ensnarer, caretaker,
Lead not these the frail into battle again.

Crossing out the ramblings of others,
Tired of the same old refrain.
Knowing this will all be corrected,
Torn down, wasted and lost?

I can't take it anymore 'cause I am rundown,
Can't take it anymore 'cause this is wrong.
Tired and rundown, tired and rundown!

I can't take it anymore 'cause I am rundown,
Can't take it anymore 'cause this is wrong.
Tired and rundown, tired and run... down...

Spat it out, the foolish lines you fed,
It holds a place in the civilized mind.
Force-fed, the turn of our venturesome quest,
Being rundown as we seek.


The day this was lost.
All that you see,
All that'll be rundown!

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Всё кончено

Трусость! Эта цепочка событий.
Соберись и придумай, как загнать меня в ловушку.

Отныне утратил чувство страсти.
Есть ли цена у безрассудной крайности?
Принял развитие и доверие –
Ответный удар в слабое место.
..... [открыть перевод]

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