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Исполнитель: Dark Tranquillity
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Песня: The Poison Well
Unless another wall is breaking,
Nothing can come of this.
Against our better judgement
Allow our image to stand ground,
Turn around and...

Break the path and let's get going to the place where nobody ever goes!
Break the path and let's get going to the place where nobody ever goes!
Nobody ever goes!

With ideals as infestations,
Hinder the radical mind,
Retune our aim.
Now is time for hiding,
For it stabs fear in you.
So coward...

Break the path and let's get going to the place where nobody ever goes!
Break the path and let's get going to the place where nobody ever goes!
Nobody ever goes!

A thought to infect you!
An idea to perfect you...

A flesh to restrain you!
No heart to forgive you...

The poison well, run dry!

Break the path and let's get going to the place where nobody ever goes!
Break the path and let's get going to the place where nobody ever goes!
Nobody ever goes!
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Ядовитый колодец

Пока очередная стена не рухнет,
Из этого ничего путного не выйдет.
Вопреки нашему лучшему решению
Позволь нашей репутации остаться неизменной,
Обернись и...

[Припев:]..... [открыть перевод]

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