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Исполнитель: DEVILDRIVER
Перевод песни
Песня: Horn of Betrayal
What the fuck do you want from me?
It's so damn plain to see, that you're not grateful.
...Silence takes courage.

No scars, no truth, but the wounds tell the story
Of what will be done, for honor and glory.
...Silence is deafening.

Does the end justify the means?
In all honesty, how do you sleep?
...Silence takes courage.

The horn of betrayal
Sounds loudly for the fallen
While mine eyes are worlds away...

Watch cowards as they bend the knee,
Scratch a liar, find a thief.

Inside is where the demon dwells,
So, I bite my tongue when it comes to you.
...Silence takes courage.

Your heart needs amputation,
Crying the "get-lost blues", fuck you!
...Silence is deafening.

The horn of betrayal
Sounds loudly for the fallen
While mine eyes are worlds away...

Watch cowards as they bend the knee,
Scratch a liar, find a thief.

Through the lies & the blasphemy
You are f*cking dead to me.
You are dead to me!

This De los Muerte, this Day of the Dead,
It turns for me celebration instead.
Skull and bones, walking away from the throne
To seek another kingdom!
Another kingdom!
Another kingdom!
Another kingdom!

Your selfless heart...
(Your heart)
You're selfless...
(Waves of sorrow washed over me)
Your selfless heart...
(Like a sea of new memories)
Перевод песни:
Сигнал о предательстве

Какого хрена ты от меня хочешь?
Это и так, чёрт побери, яcно видно, что ты не благодарен.
...Тишина усиливается.

Не шрамы, не правда, а лишь раны рассказывают историю
О том, что будет сделано во имя чести и славы.
...Тишина оглушает.
..... [открыть перевод]

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