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Исполнитель: Dark Tranquillity
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Песня: When the World Screams
Let the weakness set in this world I know,
Days cannot hold me, I blur in between.
Never fully engaged, the mind races between words,
As far as I can get, away from it all.

When indecision ends can life begin again?

I am silence when the world screams out,
I am escape when you reach out to me.
I am panic, I am fear behind these walls that protect me.
I am failure and resistance,
I am lost where I belong.
I am silence when the world screams!

My insecurity extends to others talking about themselves
Fed with this poison of self-righteous false confidence.
It's in their eyes, it's in our lives!

Set to the tune of darkness, this is one to hold.
Cannot stop insanity from chasing down my thoughts,
Linger in the mind for what now seems indefinite time.
My mind is holding me down, it's holding me down.

When indecision ends can life begin again?

I am silence when the world screams out,
I am escape when you reach out to me.
I am panic, I am fear behind these walls that protect me.
I am failure and resistance,
I am lost where I belong.
I am silence when the world screams!
Перевод песни:
Когда мир кричит

Пусть в знакомом мне мире воцарится бессилие,
Дни летят незаметно, и я растворяюсь между ними.
Никогда полностью не увлечённый, разум не может подобрать нужные слова,
Как можно дальше, прочь отсюда.

Может ли жизнь начаться заново, когда нерешительность проходит?

[Припев:]..... [открыть перевод]

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