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Исполнитель: O‘Reillys And The Paddyhats, The
Перевод песни
Песня: Fair Old Lady
As a fair old lady she opens up her eyes,
In her hands a steaming cup a feeling that's got no price.
See her grey hair shimmering bright,
Sitting in a rocking chair in early morning's hazy light.

I remember the day when I first earned my pay,
Down at the docks by the seaside cleaning up the quay.
I spent my time there and to tell you the truth,
Those were happy days in my long gone youth.

That's the town I love in many ways,
That's the town where I spend my days.
Where warm sun shines from above,
This fair old lady is my only love.

When I returned home from a far away land,
I smell what I missed the flavour of this unique brand.
I hope that I never have to leave my loved wife,
In this rusted shady town I want to exhale my life.

[Chorus: 2x]
That's the town I love in many ways,
That's the town where I spend my days.
Where warm sun shines from above,
This fair old lady is my only love.

The clouds I saw them go and come,
A smile instead of a glass filled with rum.
Down the midnight streets I hear,
The church bell ringing in my ear.

My day has come it's my last breath,
Oh my lady what a wonderful death.

That's the town I love in many ways,
That's the town where I spend my days.
Where warm sun shines from above,
This fair old lady is my only love.

This fair old lady is my only love,
This fair old lady is my only love,
This fair old lady is my only love.
Перевод песни:
Прекрасная старушка

Как прекрасная старушка, она открывает глаза,
В её руках дымящаяся чашка, это чувство бесценно.
Вижу её серебристые волосы, ярко блестящие,
Вижу её в кресле-качалке в неясном свете раннего утра.

Я помню день, когда получил свою первую зарплату,
Там, в доках, я мыл причал.
Это часть моей жизни, и, если быть честным,..... [открыть перевод]

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