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Исполнитель: 69 Eyes, The
Перевод песни
Песня: Two Horns Up
Lucifer is dancing
Around your hospital bed
Doctor is yelling
You ain't dead yet
You're carrying a bullet
For a Russian Roulette
Crows are gathering
Your tomb is set

Two horns up
Never let it go
You got a gift of life
Never live it slow
Lucifer is dancing
Around you and me
Two horns up
Two horns up

All this is given
And even more
If you bow down
Worshipping the war
But you never listen
Nobody's dead just yet
Dark clouds are gathering
And I'm all set

Two horns up
Never let it go
You got a gift of life
Never live it slow
Lucifer is dancing
Around you and me
Two horns up
Two horns up

Two horns up
Never let it go
You got a gift of life
Never live it slow
Lucifer is dancing
Around you and me
Two horns up
Two horns up!

Перевод песни:
Два пальца вверх

Люцифер пляшет
Возле твоей больничной койки.
Доктор вопит:
Что, ты еще не сдох?
Ты носишь с собой пулю
Для "Русской рулетки".
Вороны слетаются отовсюду,
Для тебя уже готова могила...... [открыть перевод]

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