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Исполнитель: Nuša Derenda
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Песня: Energy*
Oh, what you do to me
Your rhythm runs right through me
You're my destiny
My whole life is one big fantasy
And yet the closer that I get, you're further away

I feel such energy
Electric runs right through me
I'm in ecstasy
Your caress, the sweetness on your lips
But the closer that I get, you're drifting away

With every heartbeat, I'm electrified
With just one look
Your body moves me, moves me
If for one second you'd remember me
Then I would break free
From these chains that are wrapped around me

I feel such energy
Your rhythm runs right through me
I'm in ecstasy
Your caress, the sweetness on your lips
But the closer that I get, you're drifting away

Oh, energy
I feel such energy
Electric runs right through me
You're my destiny, oh...
My whole life is one big fantasy, oh...
And all I am means nothing till you're here with me


* - Эта песня является участником Евровидения 2001 от Словении.
Перевод песни:

О, что ты делаешь со мной,
Твой ритм пронзает меня насквозь, 1
Ты – моя судьба,
Вся моя жизнь – одна большая фантазия,
И как только я подбираюсь ближе, ты вновь отдаляешься от меня.

Энергия,..... [открыть перевод]

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