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Исполнитель: R3HAB
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Песня: More Than OK
Said it over and over in my mind
How do you say that it's over, for the last time?
Thinking maybe I should wait 'til the morning
But how do you say that it's over for the last time?

We shared the same friends and apartment but lately we don't talk
Only about other's problems but never mention ours
I barely recognize those portraits hangin' on the walls
Tell me do you think we lost it? 'Cause they don't look like us

Feels like we wait for a bigger mistake
'Cause all the small ones are already made
And I hate how it's so hard to say
Just give me a reason to stay
'Cause I want something more than "OK"
I need something more than "OK"

I need something more than a "OK-OK, OK-OK"
I need something more than "OK"
I need something more than a "OK-OK, OK-OK"

It's like I miss feeling nervous when we touch
And I miss feeling certain about us
Thinking maybe we got tired of trying
So I'm 'bout to be honest, for once

We shared the same friends and apartment but lately we don't talk
Only about other's problems but never mention ours
I barely recognize those portraits hangin' on the walls
Tell me do you think we lost it? 'Cause they don't look like us

Feels like we wait for a bigger mistake
'Cause all the small ones are already made
And I hate how it's so hard to say
Just give me a reason to stay
'Cause I want something more than "OK"
I need something more than "OK"

I need something more than a "OK-OK, OK-OK"
I need something more than "OK"
I need something more than a "OK-OK, OK-OK"
Перевод песни:
Больше, чем "Всё хорошо"

Вновь и вновь повторяла в голове,
Как сказать, что всё кончено в последний раз?
Думала, что, может, мне стоит подождать до утра,
Но как решиться сказать, что всё кончено в последний раз?

У нас были общие друзья и квартира, но в последнее время мы не общаемся,
Только о проблемах других, но никогда о наших.
Я с трудом узнаю портреты на стенах,..... [открыть перевод]

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