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Исполнитель: Taj Mahal And Keb' Mo'
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Песня: All around the World
What's all the fuss about?
Why can't people just get along?
Maybe we are ought to talk about
All the good we got going on
Everybody knows there's a better way
And we're all hoping and praying
That one day

There'll be love
All around the world
All around the world
There'll be peace and understanding
All around the world
There'll be joy
All around the world
All around the world
There'll be happy children singing
All around the world

Can't you just feel it, it's everywhere
It's a powerful spirit up in the air
Won't be no reason to sing the blues
And there won't be nothing on the radio
But some good news

There'll be love
All around the world
All around the world
There'll be peace and understanding
All around the world
There'll be joy
All around the world
All around the world
There'll be happy children singing
All around the world

We gonna bring about
A positive change
I can't help thinking about
How it keeps on getting so strange
How we do get away
From the misery and pain
And still feel the sunshine
In a pouring rain

And have love
All around the world
All around the world
There'll be peace and understanding
All around the world
There'll be joy
All around the world
All around the world
There'll be happy children singing
All around the world

There's gonna be some love
All around the world
There'll be peace and understanding
All around the world
There'll be joy
All around the world
All around the world
There'll be happy children singing
All around the world
All around the...
There'll be peace and understanding
There'll be joy
All around the world
There'll be happy children singing
All around the world
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Во всём мире

Из-за чего вокруг столько споров?
Что мешает людям жить в дружбе?
Может быть, мы должны обсудить
Всё доброе и прекрасное, что имеем?
Каждый понимает, что есть лучший путь, чем тот, по которому мы идём.
И все мы с надеждой молимся о том, чтобы
..... [открыть перевод]

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