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Исполнитель: Yulia Samoylova (Юлия Самойлова)
Перевод песни
Песня: I Won't Break*
My heart is in command
No longer in the dark
My castle in the sand
Is now made of stone and rock

The memory I knew
The things I've been through
And everything I do
You start believing by the minute

Now that I've made it
Now that I'm in it

I won't break
I won't break

When you come through emotions
From the deepest of oceans
Coming straight from my heart
I won't give in to the motion

Those so-called broken wings
Are soaring to the sky
I've flown with kings and queens
With freedom in their eyes

I won't break
I won't break

When you come through emotions
From the deepest of oceans
Coming straight from my heart
I won't give in to the motion

'cause even in the darkness, 'cause even in the darkest night
'cause even in the darkness, I can see a light

'cause even in the darkness

(I won't break)
'cause even in the darkness, 'cause even in the darkest night
'cause even in the darkness, I can see a light

(I won't break)
'cause even in the darkness,
My heart is in command
No longer in the dark

(I won't break)
'cause even in the darkness, 'cause even in the darkest night
'cause even in the darkness,

My heart is in command
No longer in the dark

* - Эта песня является участником Евровидения 2018 от России
Перевод песни:
Я не сломаюсь

Моё сердце у руля -
Я больше не во тьме.
Мой песчаный замок
Теперь из камня, как скала.

Воспоминания о былом,
Всё, через что я прошла,
И всё, что я делаю, -..... [открыть перевод]

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