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Исполнитель: A Day To Remember
Перевод песни
Песня: I'm Made of Wax Larry, What Are You Made Of?
Don't blink; they won't even miss you at all,
And don't think that I'll always be gone,
You know I've got you like a puppet in the palm of my hand,
Don't you let me down!

So run like hell,
Sleep with one eye open,
You can forgive or forget,
You will tell everyone the damage done,
Too bad you can't stop me,
You can't stop me now.

I'll be there just to watch you fall,
So don't push me, I got nothing to loose.

Don't blink they wont even miss you at all,
And don't think that I‘ll always be gone,
You know I've got like a puppet in the palm of my hand,
Don't you let me down.

There I go again,
I made it so damn hard to come back from the mess that you're in.
I need you to know, I told you so.
You're a snake, and I'm cautious.
Just use your head.

I'll be there just to watch you fall,
so don't push me, I got nothing to lose.

Don't blink they wont even miss you at all,
And don't think that I'll always be gone,
You know I've got like a puppet in the palm of my hand,
Don't you let me down.

Come on
*Cough* *Cough*

Everybody's out to get me.
Any moment could be my last.
This is it, your can take it or leave.
Will you run?
I will stand on my own two feet.
Just breathe.
Just breathe.

Don't blink they wont even miss you at all,
And don't think that I'll always be gone,
You know I've got like a puppet in the palm of my hand,
Don't you let me down (x2)

Перевод песни:
Я ведь из воска, Ларри, а ты из чего?*

Не подмигивай - они даже скучать не станут по тебе,
И не думай, что я навсегда покинул тебя,
Ты же знаешь – ты словно куколка на ладоне моей руки.
Не разочаруй меня!

Так беги же, черт возьми,
Спи вполглаза,
Ты можешь простить или забыть,..... [открыть перевод]

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