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Исполнитель: IVA
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Песня: Oculis Videre
All that's good and all that's bad
All the things that drive us mad
The world seen through my inner eye
You see the truth, I see a lie

Oculis videre
Volentibus ero
Oculis videre
Volentibus ero

Two thousand years are in the past
(Two thousand years are in the past)
Nothing earthly ever lasts
(Nothing earthly ever lasts)
You come to me but you can not hear
(You come to me but you can not hear)
Your answer drowns in mortal fear
(Your answer drowns in mortal)

(Oculis videre) A storm is brewing at high sea
(Volentibus ero) The gods are looking down on thee
(Oculis videre) This play is coming to an end
(Volentibus ero) A messenger already sent

Oculis videre
Volentibus ero
Oculis videre
Volentibus ero

(Oculis videre) The human path is at a bend
(Volentibus ero) Your inner voice is not your friend
(Oculist videre) Love eternal is the way

This is all I have to say
Перевод песни:
Воззри своими глазами

Всё хорошее и всё плохое –
Всё, что сводит нас с ума,
Мир виднеется сквозь мой внутренний взор,
Ты видишь правду, я вижу ложь.

Воззри своими глазами,
Хотела бы я увидеть.
Воззри своими глазами,..... [открыть перевод]

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