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Исполнитель: Dark Tranquillity
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Песня: The Emptiness from Which I Fed
Silence in shivering solitude,
Obligation's pressure for all to bear.
All the pitiful answers, the innocent lies...
Can mere words fill the emptiness from which I fed?

AI! AI! AI! The emptiness from which I fed!

Be gone! Oh, yielding evidence of greed.
Safe now on the other shore,
Behind – the emptiness from which I fled.

"Can silence be shared?
If so, can the perception of silence fit into the frame
Which is represent the unity for which we stand?
The confines representing a timeless sacrifice.
No eye can of silence tell lie,
No eye can of silence tell lie!"

Silence, yet the absence of sound does not feed me,
The essence of beauty alone.
Fall silent to lingering charm,
Brought forth be the sun, shed light on the emptiness.

AI! AI! AI! The emptiness for which I bleed!

What can be extracted from nothing?
What can be found within the emptiness?
Within the word?

Be gone! Oh, yielding evidence of greed.
Safe now on the other shore,
Behind – the emptiness from which I fled.

Brought the light to the errors of our ways,
As is denial, so is contempt.
Introspective to all but one,
Tear apart the terrible flames.
No eye can of silence tell lie.

How can I even begin the battle where no one wins?
From answers I now flee, I now flee, I now flee!

Screaming out too no avail.
Have I become what for so long I've dread?
The missing pieces must now be replaced.

What eyesight fails to grasp is the emptiness from which I fed.
The emptiness...
Перевод песни:
Пустота, которая меня подпитывала

Молчание в пробирающем до дрожи одиночестве,
Давление обязанности, которую все вынуждены выполнять.
Все эти жалкие ответы, эта невинная ложь...
Могут ли простые слова заполнить пустоту, которая меня подпитывала?

Ай! Ай! Ай! Пустота, которая меня подпитывала!

Проваливай! О, податливое свидетельство жадности...... [открыть перевод]

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