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Исполнитель: Dark Tranquillity
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Песня: Focus Shift
I think I just forgot to pick up the shells
From my recent discharge, and you took the blame.
Explanations falter to ears fallen deaf,
Wherever I go, I get lost.
A reference to something that both of us knew,
And nothing that favors the few.
In the darkness electric we see
All that silence has spoken tonight.

I think I have lost my language,
Whatever I've said I deny.
I think I have lost my way,
Whatever was missing is gone.

I let my focus shift!

Your face is a map I fail to discover,
Drowning the sounds, so lost in the order.
It's the look that stayed my words,
The unblinking knowledge, interlocked and holding no stalemate to break.
Take hold of the flame that unites,
In the silence that speaks to me now.

I think I have lost my language,
Whatever I've said I deny.
I think I have lost my way,
Whatever was missing is gone.

I let my focus shift!

I struggle to find the words that negate my meaning.
I fail to comprehend what message is given.

I decline the steady hand that leads to rejection,
Tempted by the closure with no sense of pride.
Drown the fury and swallow the fire,
Drown the fury, swallow the fire!

I think I have lost my language,
Whatever I've said I deny.
I think I have lost my way,
Whatever was missing is gone.

I let my focus shift!
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Кажется, я просто забыл подобрать гильзы
От своего последнего залпа, а ты взяла всю вину на себя.
Объяснения застревают в оглохших ушах,
Куда бы я ни пошёл, я теряюсь.
Намёк на что-то, что мы оба знали,
И ни одного, что был бы в пользу одного из нас.
В освещённой электричеством темноте мы видим
Всё, что тишина сказала этой ночью...... [открыть перевод]

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