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Исполнитель: Sylver
Перевод песни
Песня: Hold Me in Your Arms
I dont wanna say I'm sorry
'Cause I know there's nothing wrong
Don't be afraid, there's no need to worry
'Cause my feelings for you are still strong

Hold me in your arms and never let me go
Hold me in your arms 'cause I need you so
I can see it in your eyes there is somethin'
Somethin' you wanna tell me
I see it in your eyes there is somethin'
That you hide for me
Is there a reason why there is somethin'
Somethin' you wanna tell me
I see it in your eyes there is somethin'
That you hide for me

I dont wanna say I'm sorry
'Cause I know there's nothing wrong
Don't be afraid there's no need to worry
'Cause my feelings for you are still strong

Hold me in your arms...

Hold me in your arms and never let me go
Hold me in your arms 'cause I need you so
I can see it in your eyes there is somethin'
Somethin' you wanna tell me
I see it in your eyes there is something
That you hide for me
Is there a reason why there is somethin'
Somethin' you wanna tell me
I see it in your eyes there is somethin'
That you hide for me
Перевод песни:
Обнимай меня крепко

Я ни о чем не жалею,
Ведь во всём этом нет ничего предосудительного.
Не бойся, не надо волноваться,
Мои чувства к тебе не ослабели.

Обнимай меня крепко, и не отпускай ни на миг,
Обнимай меня крепко, ведь я не могу без тебя.
Я вижу по твоим глазам,..... [открыть перевод]

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