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Исполнитель: Dylan Rockoff
Перевод песни
Песня: You‘re the One That I Want
I got chills, they're multiplyin'
And I'm losin' control
'Cause the power you're suplyin'
It's electrifyin'

It's electrifyin'
You better shape up, cause I need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up, you better understand
To my heart I must be true

Nothing left, nothing left for me to do
You're the one that I want (you are the one I want) ooh, ooh, ooh
You're the one that I want (you are the one I want) ooh, ooh, ooh
You're the one that I want (you are the one I want) ooh, ooh, ooh
The one I need, oh yes indeed

If you're filled with affection
You're too shy to convey
Meditate in my direction,
Mmm, feel your way

Feel your way
I better shape up, cause you need a man
I need a man, who can keep me satisfied
I better shape up if I'm gonna prove
Oh you better prove that my faith is justified

Are you sure
Yes I'm sure down deep inside

You're the one that I want (you are the one I want) ooh, ooh, ooh
You're the one that I want (you are the one I want) ooh, ooh, ooh
You're the one that I want (you are the one I want) ooh, ooh, ooh
The one I need, oh yes indeed
Перевод песни:
Ты – та/тот, кого я хочу*

По телу побежали мурашки, их всё больше и больше,
И я уже не отдаю себе отчёт,
Ведь сила, которой ты подпитываешь меня,

Тебе пора собраться, потому что мне нужен мужчина,
И моё сердце нацелено на тебя...... [открыть перевод]

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